
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Benefits of Joining Our doTERRA Essential Oils Team.

The benefits of joining our doTERRA Essential Oils Team I have used essential oils for over 25 years, but until I started using doTERRA, I had no idea of the difference between certain brands. I thought I was doing the right thing by making sure I only bought pure essential oil so that I knew (or thought) I was getting pure oils with no fillers or synthetics. I didn't realise that essential oil standards are unregulated and that there only has to be a small amount of pure oil in each bottle to be able to label it 'pure'. Nowadays I only use doTERRA essential oils. My family and I use them every single day for everything from snoring and removing warts to managing stress and anxiety. I have shared them with so many family members, friends and colleagues who have also gone on to have a deep love and appreciation for them. Why I chose doTERRA. Because doTERRA realised the standards were not good enough  they created their own testing process, calling it CPTG Certif
Welcome to our team. You are now a member of th e world’s leading essential oil company. It’s an awesome feeling knowing that you have the purest and most potent essential oils at your fingertips. I'm so happy we are on the same dĹŤTERRA team. dĹŤTERRA, meaning   "Gift of the Earth,"  sources its oils from all over the world.  About 2/3 of the countries  dĹŤTERRA  sources  from are third-world countries .  The plants are grown where they indigenously grow and thrive. Which means the oils have the best properties because the plants are grown under the perfect conditions by farmers who, in some cases, have been growing the crops for generations.   This allows  dĹŤTERRA  to not only offer the world’s finest essential oils but to also impact the economy in a positive way on a global scale. How awesome is it to know that the bottles of oil we are using are not only benefiting us but also the person who so carefully grew it for our benefit? Once you start using your