
Showing posts from April, 2018


The appropriately named Balance is DoTERRA's Grounding Blend and it is my absolute favourite blend. I can't believe I haven't done a blog on Balance before now. I have not gone a day without using this blend since I first tried it. I apply a drop to the soles of my feet morning and night. If I have anxious feelings throughout the day, I put a drop on my palm, rub my hands together then cup them over my nose and mouth while I take deep breathes. I rub what is left on my hands over my heart and on the back of my neck.  Balance is excellent if you tend to overthink and is awesome for children who have difficulty settling down. It provides inner strength and teaches perseverance by helping us stay present with plans and ideas. It smells amazing and makes me feel calm and relaxed. I love Balance so much. Primary Benefits Promotes a whole-body sense of relaxation May help ease anxious feelings Evokes feelings of tranquility and balance Ingredients Spru