
Showing posts from March, 2017
doTERRA Purify Oil. Where do I start? This one bottle of oil can do so much. Surely I'm not the only person who has put a load of washing on and forgotten about it until hours later, or the next morning even. I would wash the clothes again but they still had a stale smell when we wore them. Now I just put 1 or 2 drops of Purify on a cloth and throw it in the wash. The clothes come out smelling fresh and nobody knows the difference. (See below for blog on essential oils and plastic as mentioned in the video) We love our cats, but I really don't like the kitten stage when they pee on things and nothing gets rid of the smell. We have a suede lounge chair that I was ready to take to the dump because I could not get rid of the smell out of it. I tried everything. I would think it was good and then as soon as we had a bit of humid weather, the smell would return. Then I made up a spray bottle of equal parts white vinegar and filtered water, added 20 drops of doTERRA

What's in your beauty products?

Have You Ever Thought About What's In Your Products? Did you know that if your beauty or hygiene products list the word 'fragrance' in the ingredients, that alone means it could contain hundreds of the 3000 chemicals and toxins used to make fragrances? By law, each ingredient must be listed individually. But fragrance ingredients can be listed simply as “Fragrance”. These are toxic to your nervous system. When your nervous system is damaged, your entire body, including your brain can be affected. Not to mention allergies. Fragrance allergies affect millions of people. I did a lot of reading and researching on chemicals and toxins a few years ago when I started getting a lot of new allergies. My immune system was low and I was overloaded with toxic build up. I started looking for alternatives. It was so hard to find pure and natural products that worked. So I tried making them. I made a lot of greasy and gluggy things and some that dried so hard I couldn