What's in your beauty products?

Have You Ever Thought About What's In Your Products?

Did you know that if your beauty or hygiene products list the word 'fragrance' in the ingredients, that alone means it could contain hundreds of the 3000 chemicals and toxins used to make fragrances? By law, each ingredient must be listed individually. But fragrance ingredients can be listed simply as “Fragrance”. These are toxic to your nervous system. When your nervous system is damaged, your entire body, including your brain can be affected. Not to mention allergies. Fragrance allergies affect millions of people.

I did a lot of reading and researching on chemicals and toxins a few years ago when I started getting a lot of new allergies. My immune system was low and I was overloaded with toxic build up. I started looking for alternatives. It was so hard to find pure and natural products that worked. So I tried making them. I made a lot of greasy and gluggy things and some that dried so hard I couldn't get any out of the jar. I did master a few though. I am happy to say that every product I use now, is completely toxin free. I either make my own or I use safe brands like doTERRA.

doTERRA products are 100% pure therapeutic. There are no fillers, synthetics, fragrances, perfumes or pesticides. I use their moisturisers and everything in the photo. I love them so much I became a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.

A toothpaste brand that I sometimes use when I don't have doTERRA is Grant's. They can be bought at Woolworths and Coles and are under $4.00. They are a family company and have been operating for 30 odd years. Their toothpaste is safe and does not contain fluoride or other toxins. It looks and tastes like the toothpaste that we are all used to using.

Black Chicken is my choice of chemical free deodorant. I love it. It is amazing even if I have been sweating a lot and it only takes a small amount to be really effective. In fact, I think it works better than the chemical filled deodorants. I buy it and my safe makeup from Nourished Life. doTERRA has a natural deodorant which is similar to Black Chicken but is in a stick form and I find that I can't apply enough for it to work properly.

Have a look at some of your product labels and see just how safe they are. Some products are 100% synthetic. If this worries you, I will be sharing my favourite recipes in an upcoming blog. If you would like to purchase doTERRA products you can click here.

Thanks for reading
Karen <3

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