
Showing posts from October, 2017

Essential Oils and Plastic

I always advise people to use glass when putting essential oils in their water or storing them. Even diluted essential oils will eat away at plastic in some cases. Essential oils will break down most plastics. Some people will argue “if it does that to plastic, then imagine what it’s doing to us!” But we aren't made of plastic! The chemical reaction when we use essential oils in or on our bodies is not the same as when we combine it with a plastic. Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from trees and plants. They are the lifeblood and immune systems of plants. Essential oils have structures similar to our hormones. Essential oils are carbon-based, like our bodies. So our bodies know how to use them. They work with our bodies to break down toxins and remove them from our bodies. Plastic is made up of toxic chemicals. So essential oils will naturally break it down. Citrus oils, in particular, have a chemical make-up that is known to interfe


Exciting times! This month we are finally able to purchase the new essential oils released by doTERRA at their U.S. convention recently. At this stage they are only available through orders placed with their U.S. warehouse. I received mine last week and we all sat around the box sniffing, applying, oohing and ahhing. I have put together a bit of information on each new product, so make yourself a cuppa, sit back and have a read. COPAIBA OIL This is the oil that I was most excited to receive. Copaiba is doTERRA's alternative to cannabis. It is right up there with Frankincense for me now. I take two drops of both morning and night in a veggie capsule for overall physical and emotional health and I am already feeling the benefits. What doTERRA says about this wonderful oil - " Copaiba essential oil is so unique and effective because of its high level of beta-caryophyllene. Copaiba has the highest levels of beta-caryophyllene that we are aware of. Beta-ca