
Showing posts from March, 2018

You Won't Believe How Powerful Onions Are For Our Health

I remember when I was growing up there was always a withering piece of cut onion sitting on the kitchen windowsill in my Aunty's home. She always said it helps to prevent us getting sick. I also remember when we were bitten by any type of insect my mother would immediately cut an onion in half and rub it on the bite. I carried on these traditions with my own family, but it wasn't until I was older that I looked into just how this dried up piece of onion was stopping us from getting sick and why rubbing onion on a bite always took the sting away. I was amazed to find just how powerful onions are and that they were actually worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the onion's rings symbolised eternity. Onions were also a prized food of the wealthy in ancient China. I found so much interesting information about this common vegetable that we have come to think of as just something to add flavour to our meals. My favourite health guru Don Tol

How To Clean Your Diffuser

Have you noticed that you can't really smell your essential oils when diffusing them lately? Your diffuser probably needs a clean. It only takes 10 minutes.  Give it a clean and you will be enjoying the aroma of your beautiful oils in no time. I only trust and use doTERRA Essential Oils. If you would like to purchase essential oils, the beautiful Petal Diffuser pictured above or any of our products, you can do so  here . However, if you would like to sign up for a wholesale account (no obligations - order when and if you like) and get 25% discount, you can contact me (see below). Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for reading Karen  xx Subscribe to our mailing list   If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

Welcome New Wholesale Customer

Welcome You are now  a Wholesale Customer of  th e  world’s leading essential oil company. It’s an awesome feeling knowing that you have the purest and most potent essential oils at your fingertips. I'm so happy we are on the same dĹŤTERRA team. dĹŤTERRA, meaning  "Gift of the Earth," sources its oils from all over the world.  About 2/3 of the countries  dĹŤTERRA  sources  from are third-world countries .  The plants are grown where they indigenously grow and thrive. Which means the oils have the best properties because the plants are grown under the perfect conditions by farmers who, in some cases, have been growing the crops for generations.   This allows  dĹŤTERRA  to not only offer the world’s finest essential oils but to also impact the economy in a positive way on a global scale. How awesome is it to know that the bottles of oil we are using not only benefit us but also the person who so carefully grew it for our benefit? Once you start using your oils, it