You Won't Believe How Powerful Onions Are For Our Health

I remember when I was growing up there was always a withering piece of cut onion sitting on the kitchen windowsill in my Aunty's home. She always said it helps to prevent us getting sick. I also remember when we were bitten by any type of insect my mother would immediately cut an onion in half and rub it on the bite. I carried on these traditions with my own family, but it wasn't until I was older that I looked into just how this dried up piece of onion was stopping us from getting sick and why rubbing onion on a bite always took the sting away.

I was amazed to find just how powerful onions are and that they were actually worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the onion's rings symbolised eternity. Onions were also a prized food of the wealthy in ancient China. I found so much interesting information about this common vegetable that we have come to think of as just something to add flavour to our meals.

My favourite health guru Don Tolman says that onions contain sulfur compounds, a powerful flavonoid quercetin, potassium, vitamin C, B and hundreds of unnamed nutrients. They remove germs, help your heart, keeps LDL cholesterol from becoming dangerous and doesn't give cancer a chance. Don also says that onions keep you healthy and zap heart disease.

According to researchers, half an onion a day keeps stomach cancer away. Two other studies indicated that onions helped in the prevention of lung and breast cancer. Don also mentions in his Farmacist Desk Reference that onions lower blood pressure, treat dysentery, inhibit allergic reactions and are a cure for the common cold. states “When the 1918 flu pandemic killed 50-100 million people between 1918-1920, there was said to be a doctor who visited many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. The doctor came upon one household where everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the family was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed a dish of onions in each room of the home. The doctor asked if he could have one of the onions to observe under the microscope. When he did, he found traces of the flu virus in the onion. It had absorbed the infection, keeping the family healthy."

So apparently my Aunty and my Mum were right as onions soak up toxins, pollutants, bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms from the air that can affect our health. By peeling an onion, cutting it in half and placing it around our home, it helps to purify the air and prevent germs, bacteria and other harmful toxins from entering our body. It also absorbs odours and can be placed in cupboards to eliminate musty smells. I have even used onion to absorb paint odour when we were painting our home.

Because they soak up bacteria we should never place a cut onion in the fridge to use later, unless it is in a sealed container, as it will absorb any bacteria in the fridge and from the air. Instead, sit it in a bowl in the kitchen to purify the air. You can do as I do and add a drop or two of doTERRA's Protective Blend On Guard to the onion to add to the immune support for your family. The onion should be replaced every couple of months.

In my research, I also came across the 'onion sock'. Apparently, by placing slices of onion on the soles of our feet and then covering this with socks overnight, it helps to purify the blood, liver and is great for detoxing our body. It is also supposed to help relieve hayfever and allergies. If you don't like the smell of the onion while you are sleeping, add a drop or two of essential oils to the socks. White onions are said to be the best and obviously, we should not eat the onions after they have been on our feet or left out to absorb the nasties from the air.

So there you have it. The common onion found in every household is so much more powerful than we ever thought. Give some of these suggestions a try and let me know how it goes for you. I am going to give the onion sock a try.

I only trust and use doTERRA Essential Oils. If you would like to purchase the oils mentioned above or any of our beautiful products you can do so here. However, if you would like to sign up for a wholesale account (no obligations - order when and if you like) and get 25% discount, you can contact me (see below).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading

Karen xx


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