
Showing posts from 2016

My iTOVi scanner

How to scan your body to find exactly which essential oils you will benefit from. I love this handy little tool. It has done wonders for my essential oils business. I have scanned people who have been blown away by what I can tell them about themselves just from the 90 second scan. I remember scanning myself and wondering why I would need a certain oil that the report has suggested for me. Then I look at the emotional benefits of that particular oil, and I understand exactly why I need it.  It never ceases to amaze me.  The iTOVi scanner shows you what you need for both physical and emotional issues.  It is a highly accurate way to find exactly which products your body will benefit from. It is safe even for babies, young children and pregnant women and how cool is it that it  fits neatly into your handbag so that you can always have it on hand? When you purchase an iTOVi scanner you are asked which products your device is to be set up to scan. I am a doTERRA Wellness

Cheer - a beautiful uplifting blend

Welcome to my very first blog.  I thought I would make my first one on something that makes me happy. After all, we are all searching for happiness.  I love this beautiful doTERRA blend. It's so uplifting and bright; it makes me feel alive inside.  If the hubby or one of my boys are a bit grumpy I put a few drops in my diffuser and it creates  a happy home in no time. I often apply a drop to my hand, rub my palms together, cup my hands over my mouth and nose, then inhale deeply for a pick-me-up.  For a longer lasting effect, particularly when I have a lot of negative feelings, I apply a drop to each wrist and rub it in. It's not long before I find my day filled with positive thoughts. I fall more in love with this blend every time I smell the fresh scent. Sometimes for something a little different, I like  to diffuse Cheer, Peace and Wild Orange together. It has the same uplifting element along with an added soothing effect. Because it is doTERRA I can trus