Cheer - a beautiful uplifting blend

Welcome to my very first blog. I thought I would make my first one on something that makes me happy. After all, we are all searching for happiness. 

I love this beautiful doTERRA blend. It's so uplifting and bright; it makes me feel alive inside. If the hubby or one of my boys are a bit grumpy I put a few drops in my diffuser and it creates a happy home in no time.

I often apply a drop to my hand, rub my palms together, cup my hands over my mouth and nose, then inhale deeply for a pick-me-up. For a longer lasting effect, particularly when I have a lot of negative feelings, I apply a drop to each wrist and rub it in. It's not long before I find my day filled with positive thoughts.

I fall more in love with this blend every time I smell the fresh scent. Sometimes for something a little different, I like to diffuse Cheer, Peace and Wild Orange together. It has the same uplifting element along with an added soothing effect.

Because it is doTERRA I can trust that it has no harmful ingredients. It's pure, it's therapeutic and it's safe for me and my family.

I love doTERRA products so much that I became an Independent Wellness Advocate. If you would like to purchase this beautiful blend you can click here

Thanks for reading 


Cautions as per doTERRA website:
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.


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