My iTOVi scanner

How to scan your body to find exactly which essential oils you will benefit from.

I love this handy little tool. It has done wonders for my essential oils business. I have scanned people who have been blown away by what I can tell them about themselves just from the 90 second scan. I remember scanning myself and wondering why I would need a certain oil that the report has suggested for me. Then I look at the emotional benefits of that particular oil, and I understand exactly why I need it.  It never ceases to amaze me. 

The iTOVi scanner shows you what you need for both physical and emotional issues. It is a highly accurate way to find exactly which products your body will benefit from. It is safe even for babies, young children and pregnant women and how cool is it that it fits neatly into your handbag so that you can always have it on hand?

When you purchase an iTOVi scanner you are asked which products your device is to be set up to scan. I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate so when I purchased mine I selected to have it scan for doTERRA products.

When you receive your iTOVi scanner you simply download the iTOVi app onto your iPhone or Android, charge the scanner with the charger provided for an hour and it is ready to go. Once charged the scanner will go for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on how often it is used, before needing to be charged again.

Enter your information, which only has to be done once per person. The names are then saved on the app with each report from previous scans.

A feature I was really impressed with is the asterisks that appear when you enter your age and weight  (the same way passwords do when you enter them) this way nobody ever sees this information, but it can still be taken into consideration when the report is generated. 

You then take the scanner in the palm of your hand, making sure the two sensors stay in contact with your skin at all times. The scanner connects to your phone using Bluetooth. The scan takes 90 seconds. During this time you are shown a video explaining how the iTOVi scanner works.

iTOVi has measured and recorded the frequency of each oil and supplement. The scanner sends the frequencies through your body one at a time and measures how your body reacts to them. This information is then compiled into a report which can be sent via text message or emailed to the person instantly.
You can set the reports to list 3, 5, 7 or 10 suggested products. You can also choose to scan for oils, supplements or both oils and supplements together.

The following video shows how easy it is to run an iTOVi session on an Android device.

It is not cheap to buy due to the technology involved with creating and maintaining it however, you can easily get back the cost through referrals and by attracting essential oils sales. iTOVi have two payment options and also a referral program. If you wish to purchase an iTOVi scanner it can be purchased here on my referral on the official iTOVi website.

If you have any questions you can email me at and if you wish to purchase doTERRA products you can click here.

Why guess when you can know!

Thanks for reading

"At first I was overwhelmed with how much I had to learn about my products. iTOVi lifted that burden. I'm amazed by the great insights and the detailed product information I get from each iTOVi report." - Hector S.


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