
Showing posts from November, 2017

Essential Oils Can Help Us Deal With Trauma

Did you know that traumatic memories can be released simply by using the sense of smell and essential oils? Aromatherapy is an awesome tool for emotional support and has a powerful influence on our emotions. For example, if you have experienced a lot of trauma and used Wild Orange Essential Oil it would help you to feel uplifted, calm, happier and more hopeful. Persistent trauma can cause a lack of endorphins. Endorphins enable us to experience pleasure and protect us from p hysical and emotional pain. They help us cope better with everyday situations. When our endorphin levels are low, our body craves the endorphin benefits and this can cause behavioural changes and even addictions. Addictions such as gambling, video games, drugs, thrill-seeking activities. Anything that generates endorphins, as we continue seeking our body's needs that are not being met. The molecules in essential oils cross the blood-brain barrier and assist in releasing th


If you are an oil addict like me you will have a lot of empty little bottles around. I try to find as many ways as I can to re-use them. Here are some of the ways that I have found. Pre-made Favourite Diffuser Blends. The main thing I use my empty bottles for is making up diffuser blends. We have four diffusers in our house and I was forever walking from room to room to find a bottle of oil that I wanted. Now I makeup blends in the empty bottles and leave them with each diffuser. This works perfectly for me because I like to keep all of my original bottles of oil in my oil box so that I know where they are. I don't like having to look for each one when I need it. Beside the bedroom diffusers, I have a bottle of Lavender Peace, Balance, Frankincense and Easy Air (our sleep blend) mixed together. The approximate amounts would be 1/4 of a 15 ml bottle each or roughly 60 drops each of Lavender Peace and Balance to 10 drops of Frankincense and 10 drops of Easy Air.  B

Want More Energy? Try the Thymus Thump!

It is said that we have lost our natural instinct to regularly activate our thymus gland. After puberty, the thymus starts to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat. As modern medicine tries to imitate the roles of a healthy immune system, the system can become even less able to do what it is meant to do. Also known as the happiness point, the thymus gland's role is to keep our life energy vibrating at a high frequency. But when there is an emotional or physical disturbance, it can cause the thymus gland to shrink and cause depletion in this energy which is vital for our health. We have all had times when we grasp or rub our chest when we either get a fright or are suffering extreme stress. Gorillas also pound their chest before going into a battle. Both situations require the thymus gland to be stimulated. In the case of a gorilla thumping his chest before a battle, this would release any fear, increase his energy and prepare his immune system to deal with