So you have your oils, now you need to get some tools and resources together. In this blog, I will tell you where I purchase all of my sample bottles, reference books, sachets, stickers, which phone apps I use and other tools I have found to be useful. Obviously, you don't need everything that I talk about on this blog, but if you do want them, you will know where to get them from.

The very first thing anyone who uses essential oils should purchase, in my opinion, is a reference book. If you are on my team I have more than likely sent you one in your Welcome Pack.  I recommend either The Essential Life Book or Modern Essentials. You don't need both, as they are both excellent books, but are very similar. I am a visual person and The Essential Life book is just so much prettier to me. The Modern Essentials book is more like a text book. The other book I recommend and use every single day is the Emotions & Essential Oils book. I love the emotions side of essential oils, so I am in love with this book. 

All three books are available from au.aromatools.com. The Essential Life and Emotions & Essential Oils are also available from australia.oillife.com.

The next thing you will want to buy is cap stickers for you oils. Once you put your oils in an oil box or case you cannot see which oil is which. When you have the cap stickers you can see at first glance where each oil is. They are also excellent for placing on the lids of sample bottles you make up to share with family and friends, so they know what oil is in each bottle. I buy stickers from doTERRA's Australian store and also the U.S. store. That way I get stickers for every bottle, as there are oils available in the U.S. that aren't available here in Australia. We also have different names for some blends in Australia, so by purchasing both, I have stickers for all of my oils.

You may also want to download some apps. These are my favourites. First up is the Modern Essentials app. This app is awesome. You can search oils and see what they are good for or you can search ailments to find which oil will support you with that ailment. You can even shop in this app with Aromatools. This is the U.S. Store though, so shipping is expensive.

Like I said, I love the emotions side of essential oils, so naturally, I love this next app. Essential Emotions. It's a great app and I use it often. You can search either an emotion or an oil.

The Daily Drop is an app I use from time to time for education on oil use.

The next thing you may want to get your hands on is bottles. If you want to share the oils with your family and friends (and you will, you won't be able to keep them to yourself when you find how good they are) or if you want to do doTERRA as a business and want to share with people who are interested in purchasing oils for themselves, you can share by using the sample bottles. I use the 1 ml bottles and put 4 or 5 drops in each bottle. I get these from au.aromatools.com.

You will also want roller bottles to make up your blends. I go through a lot of roller bottles and I get mine from au.aromatools.com or australia.oillife.com. You may also want to buy spray bottles and they too can be purchased from au.aromatools.com or australia.oillife.com.

All of the above sample sachets can be purchased from the doTERRA U.S. store.

The doTERRA keychains are a great price at $8.00 each. They come with 8 x 2 ml sample bottles so that you can fill them and carry your favourite oils with you in your handbag or gym bag. They also make a great gift if you fill the bottles with 8 of your favourite oils.

The above brochures are available from the doTERRA U.S. Store

These dropper tops are awesome for thicker oils like vetiver that don't drip out of the bottles very well. They are available from au.aromatools.com


I think these little roller top inserts and lids are such a good idea. They fit onto doTERRA's 5 ml and 15 ml bottles. If you can get them at the right price it can work out cheaper than buying roller bottles.
When your doTERRA bottles are empty just either boil them up or put them in the dishwasher and then re-use them with these tops for blends or however you like.

They can be hard to find in Australia at times. For those on my team if you want some of these just let me know as I have a small supply for $1 each (includes roller insert and top).

If you have a few oils together you will want a case or two to put them in. These are also available from au.aromatools.com and australia.oillife.com.

Maybe you have so many oils that you need a box to put them in. I got mine from australia.oillife.com

The Live, Share, Build and Launch Guides are all available to order or download and print free from Share Success. This is an awesome site with so much information and downloadable books and guides available.

Last, but certainly not least, there is the iTOVi Scanner. If you would like to buy one or want to read more about this little beauty, you can read my blog here. For those on my team who live local, if you would like a scan just let me know and I can arrange a time. If you are not on my team, I charge $5 per scan.

If you want to know how to use your oils, have a read of my blog on the Home Essentials Kit here, where I list many different uses for the top ten doTERRA oils.

If I find any other good websites for resources and tools, I will certainly add them to this blog. If you know of any good sites to purchase oil accessories, please let me know, as I am always interested to find new places to shop.

Thanks for reading
Karen xx

If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

Email - karensmith5@bigpond.com
Facebook- Karen's Place of Essential Oils
Website- Karen's Place of Essential Oils


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