
Showing posts from February, 2018

How I Purify The Air In My Home

Poor air flow in our homes can allow pollutants to become stagnant and this affects the quality of the air. The toxins come from new furniture, carpet, paint etc and they can weaken our immune system and make us sick. We can't control the environment but in our home, there is a lot we can do. I don't want my family breathing toxic air that is low in oxygen. Especially since we spend more time in our home than anywhere else.  We have evaporative air cooling because we live in a very hot climate. If kept clean, I believe this is much healthier for us than any other systems because it is not recycling the same air over and over. I love the fact that we can keep our doors and windows open while the cooling system is on. I keep it clean by using a few drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil in the water once every week or so and cleaning the pads often. According to my favourite health guru Don Tolman, air purifies itself every four and a half metres that it moves. Which me

Let's Talk Essential Oils

My favourite subject "Oils". doTERRA Essential Oils are very potent. Because they don't have any fillers or nasty additives they are just pure oils which are powerful. You only have to open a bottle and you can smell the purity. Less is always more. I start with one or two drops because I can always add more. I find they work better by layering just one or two drops at a time. For example, when I apply my Balance every day I take one drop and massage it in. If I feel I need more I wait awhile and then add another drop in the same spot. This is much more effective than adding four drops at once. So apply a little often. It is so important to remember 'not' to use your oils in plastic cups or bottles and don't add them to plastic compartments in your washing machine, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher etc. Essential oils and most plastics do not mix. They will draw the toxins out of plastic and break it down. The same as they do to the toxins in our bod

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage is one very special oil. Especially for women. It contains natural phytoestrogens which are known as dietary oestrogen. This helps reduce the risk of many ailments that we women in the modern day world are often concerned about. We can get these benefits by smelling it straight from the bottle. Dilute Clary Sage and massage into affected area to relieve period discomfort. Put a couple of drops in a nice warm bath to help you unwind. You can take one or two drops in a veggie cap to calm your nervous system. Diffuse at night for a peaceful sleep. Apply it diluted to your feet and back of your neck when you are feeling hot and flushed. Clary Sage relaxes our brain and arteries which makes it very effective in helping our circulation. By sending more oxygen to our muscles and organs it aids in digestion. It helps our body absorb vitamins and minerals more easily. Supports healthy cholesterol levels. Diffuse with Tangerine or Wild Orange when y

Tips to Overcome The Sunday Night Blues

This is one of those things where I thought I was the only person in the world to feel this way. Well, not really the only person but I didn't realise that a huge percentage of the developed world feels the same. In fact, in the U.S. a study found that 81% of people, adults and children get the Sunday night blues. They also found that for most people it starts around 4pm. I have a few little tips that definitely help to cheer me up and stop me moping around wasting time every  Sunday night. Through the day a good blend to diffuse is: 5 drops Bergamot 2 drops Roman Chamomile 2 drops Ylang Ylang Bergamot gives hope and helps us see life with more optimism. Roman Chamomile is calming and helps us feel fulfilled. Ylang Ylang brings joy and acceptance. Make Sunday your fun day. Do things that you and your family enjoy doing. Go outside in the fresh air and get a little bit of sun (apply your natural sunscreen first). This will help you f