Tips to Overcome The Sunday Night Blues

This is one of those things where I thought I was the only person in the world to feel this way. Well, not really the only person but I didn't realise that a huge percentage of the developed world feels the same. In fact, in the U.S. a study found that 81% of people, adults and children get the Sunday night blues. They also found that for most people it starts around 4pm.

I have a few little tips that definitely help to cheer me up and stop me moping around wasting time every Sunday night.

Through the day a good blend to diffuse is:

5 drops Bergamot

2 drops Roman Chamomile

2 drops Ylang Ylang
Bergamot gives hope and helps us see life with more optimism.
Roman Chamomile is calming and helps us feel fulfilled.
Ylang Ylang brings joy and acceptance.

Make Sunday your fun day. Do things that you and your family enjoy doing. Go outside in the fresh air and get a little bit of sun (apply your natural sunscreen first). This will help you feel more content when the sun goes down.

Set some intentions for the coming week that are positive and will help you look forward to the week instead of dreading it.

Eat some healthy, happy foods. Don Tolman, "The Wholefood Medicine Man" (I love this man and follow him on everything from Youtube to Facebook) says that if you have depression you should eat a bowl of pineapple and orange together and get into the sun for awhile every day. He says that you will be amazed at how good you feel in just three days.

When you are feeling really low put a drop of Peppermint oil on your palm, rub your hands together, then go outside and breathe the oil in from your hands. I wouldn't do this close to bedtime as you might feel too alert to sleep.

So they are my suggestions and things that I have found help me every Sunday. Give one or all of them a try and see how you go. I hope I have helped you to enjoy your Sundays.

You may also be interested to read my blog Don't Let Life Pass You By. My Plan To Slow Down My Perception of Time 

I only trust and use doTERRA Essential Oils. If you would like to purchase these beautiful oils you can do so here. However, if you would like to sign up for a wholesale account (no obligations - order when and if you like) and get 25% discount, you can contact me (see below).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading
Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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