Thank you for allowing me to share my passion for essential oils with you. I can't wait for you to start using them and hearing how they help you and your family.

I will be in touch with you soon but in the mean time, you will find all the information you need on each sample below. I have chosen some of our most popular oils and blends for you, so let's get started.

Essential Oil Safety

doTERRA Essential Oils are very potent. Use smaller amounts more frequently for best results and dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil for sensitive skin.

Essential oils should never be put in eyes, ears or nostrils. Be careful in armpits and other sensitive areas. If you get an essential oil where it's not meant to be or if the oil is too intense for you, dilute with a carrier oil. Don’t use water, as water will drive the oil deeper. Any carrier oil will work (olive, Fractionated Coconut oil, cooking oil, etc). 

Avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds (UV light) for several hours after applying citrus oils or blends containing citrus oils as they are photosensitive and can cause skin irritation. 

When using essential oils in cooking, more potent oils may be better administered by toothpicks (dip the end of a clean toothpick into the oil and then add to the food).
When adding essential oils to water, smoothies, milk, tea, or other drinks, always use glass or stainless steel cups or bottles.

Your Samples

The first thing you will need to know is how to get the oil from the little sample bottles. There's a trick to it.

Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO)

For topical use only and not to be used in diffusers.

Lemon Essential Oil

If you try the lemon essential oil in your drinking water, please use glass or stainless steel cups, not plastic.

Easy Air - Respiratory blend

(Known as Breathe in America)

This is an awesome blend for this time of year with the bugs that are around at the moment.
 It's a beautiful blend that is a natural alternative to the petrochemical filled chest rub Vick's that we all grew up with. It is also far more effective. It can be diffused to help clear your sinuses and your airways or you can use 2 drops in about 5 drops of carrier oil and rub it into your chest, back and the soles of your feet. This method also helps with the constricted feeling we get in our chest when we are anxious. I put a drop or two in my diffuser sleep blend every night to stop hubby snoring.

Lavender Peace - Calming blend

(Known as Serenity in America)

Deep Blue Rub

(Known as Ice Blue Rub in Australia but the sample sachets are 
only available from America)
There is more than one application in the sachet. Start with a pea size amount. 

Have fun with your samples but remember a little goes a long way. Less is more with these beautiful potent oils and products. Let me know how you go with them. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

If you wish to purchase any of these products or other doTERRA products you can do so here or just let me know.

If you would like to have your own wholesale account to get 25% discount and order when and if you want to with no obligations, you can do so here or send me a message. Most people choose to join with their own kit as the enrolment kits are heavily discounted even over the wholesale price. You can check out the kits here. The most popular kit by far is the Home Essentials Kit as it comes with our top ten oils and a diffuser.

Please keep in touch and let me know how your samples are going. I'd love to hear from you and again, thank you.

Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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