My 23 year old son has this drink every morning. He is very health conscious and a Personal Trainer but injured his shoulder at work a few months back and hasn't been able to do any training. He had his shoulder operated on and is now slowly getting back into his fitness. He is also eating clean again.
This morning he messaged me from work saying that he will be having this drink every day for the rest of his life. He said, “I swear I feel better straight after I have it”.

We have all heard the benefits of having Apple Cider Vinegar every day and I take Lemon Essential Oil in my water every day. I never thought to take them together though. All three ingredients have incredible benefits for our health and wellbeing.

👍Lemon essential oil gently cleanses our body and kickstarts our metabolism.
💪Ginger essential oil is great before a workout especially if you are feeling uncomfortable or bloated and it gives you a boost when your energy is lagging. It’s also great for muscle and joint discomfort.
👌Apple Cider Vinegar has so many health benefits including weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels and improving diabetes symptoms.

I think he’s onto something. I am going to be taking it every day too. If you would like to join us but don't have these oils. Let me know and I can help you out. You can also order them here.

When I write about taking essential oils internally I am only referring to doTERRA Essential Oils as we know these oils are the purest in the world and are all third-party tested. Please don't take essential oils that you buy from your supermarket internally. They may be labelled as pure but there only has to be 1% of pure essential oil in the bottle to be able to call it 'pure'. doTERRA has set standards like no other essential oil company in the world and go above and beyond ensuring that their oils are 100% pure.

Let me know what you think if you do try it.

Thanks for reading

Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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