Being the natural health fanatic that I am I had to look into this latest trend of drinking celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. I soon found that it is being labelled as a 'cure all', 'a miracle tonic' and is said to be changing the shape in alternative medicine like never before. There are claims of it curing autoimmune diseases, preventing cancer and alkalising the body.


I found that celery juice has anti-inflammatory properties which can help with digestive issues such as acid reflux, IBS, bloating and constipation. It is soothing and cooling to the digestive tract and the natural sodium eliminates toxins from all over the body, including the gut. This helps to heal and regenerate stomach lining. 

Celery is also a natural diuretic and is amazing for eczema and acne. The compounds called coumarins increase white blood cell activity and support our vascular system. Because it is rich in organic sodium content it has the ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the joints. It also purifies the bloodstream, relaxes the nerves, is great for the liver, reduces blood pressure, clears up skin issues and so much more.


So after everything I read, I was convinced that drinking 500 ml of celery juice on an empty stomach every morning could transform my health. I decided to try it and have been drinking it every morning for almost a month now. 

Within a few days, I started noticing some pretty amazing benefits. Having food intolerances I often suffer from bloating and other annoying symptoms. But I noticed that I don't get bloated anymore and my stomach actually started to flatten. I didn't have that heavy feeling in my stomach and I lost 2 kg in the first 3 days. I also found that I wasn't craving food that I normally do.

I have more energy throughout the day. The natural sodium content in celery raises stomach acid which makes it so much easier for my body to digest the food I eat throughout the day. This means my body isn't using all it's energy on digestion anymore.

I noticed I am a lot calmer and I'm thinking clearer. I have Meniere's Disease and have not had anywhere near as many symptoms or attacks since I have been having the celery juice. Brain fog and headaches go hand in hand with Meniere's Disease but I have noticed a huge improvement on both.

I am sold on the idea. I will be taking 500 ml of celery juice every morning forever. If you are interested in trying it I have listed the dos and don'ts below. 


There is so much confusion over the correct terms for the parts of celery. Some refer to a stick of celery as a stalk but if a recipe calls for a stalk it usually means a whole bunch. To be less confusing I'm using my own names as above.

Buy organic celery if you can, if not wash the celery in your sink with water, a cup of apple cider vinegar.

AMOUNT - The magic amount is 500 ml. This depends on the celery but is usually a little over half of a good big bunch.

WHEN - On an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

HOW - Put the celery through a juicer and drink immediately.


I use a Breville Juice Fountain Juicer but any good juicer will do. Please note this is juicing, not blending.

When you are first getting used to the taste the leaves might make the juice too bitter. I started by cutting the leaves off and slowly adding more leaves over the first week until I was juicing the whole sticks and leaves.

If it is still too bitter you can add a little cucumber juice for the first few days and gradually break it down until you are just drinking celery juice. The best benefits come from drinking the celery without any other juices or water added.

Give the celery time to work by not eating or drinking anything for at least half an hour after you drink it.

If it is not possible for you to make the juice fresh every morning you can make it the night before and put it in the fridge or even freeze it, but you will not get the maximum health benefits. I want to get everything I can from my juice so I make it fresh every morning and drink it immediately.


I felt very tired and had headaches for the first 3 days when I started. This is to be expected as the toxins in my body were moving their way through my system. I stayed well hydrated to speed the detoxing process along. I also felt like the celery juice was going straight through me as I was running to the toilet often the first few days. It was well worth persisting though, because I will feel so much better now.

I hope this information helps you and I hope to have other fellow celery juicers joining me and experiencing the benefits from it soon.

Happy celery juicing

Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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