
Showing posts from August, 2017

What's in my Natural Medicine Cabinet?

This is what's in my medicine cabinet. They're all safe and they work. -Lemon - I take 2 drops in my drinking water every day to gently detox my body. Works well with Lavender and peppermint for allergies. -Peppermint - We rub on tired muscles, use to open airways, rub on back of neck to cool down, rub on the stomach to help digestion, helps control appetite. -Lavender - Lavender is calming for your mind and your skin. It works wonders on any skin irritations, relieves pain from sore gums and chapped lips. It also helps calm me down. I diffuse it to help sleep. -Oregano - Boosts our immune systems and fights off any bugs. I don't often use oregano as we very rarely catch bugs these days. But it is there if we need it. -Frankincense - Calming, good for skin, cellular health and gives other oils a boost. I also use a drop on my thumb applied to the roof of my mouth for head tension. -Tea Tree - Soothes skin irritations, good for nail health, removes permanent marker fr


I am obsessed with this kit. If it was around when I joined, it most definitely would have been the kit I started with. I love it so much that I made it a goal to have someone join our team with this kit. I get excited at the thought of handing this over to some lucky person who will use it to support the health of their family. If you have healthy living goals and want to help boost the vitality of your family with natural products, keep reading to see just what the kit consists of. ( Please note links for individual items go to doTERRA'S U.S. site, therefore prices are U.S. prices). Essential Oils: 10 mL bottles: PastTense ® 15 mL bottles: Lavender ,  Lemon ,  Peppermint ,  doTERRA On Guard ® ,  Frankincense ,  Melaleuca ,  Wild Orange ,  doTERRA Balance ® ,  DigestZen ® ,  AromaTouch ® ,  doTERRA Serenity ® ,  doTERRA Breathe ® doTERRA On Guard ®  Collection: doTERRA On Guard Beadlets ,  doTERRA On Guard Toothpaste ,  doTERRA On Guard Hand Wash with 2 Dispensers


Are You Ready to Start? You may have heard how amazing doTERRA oils are for family wellness and are wondering how to get these beauties in your own home. It's really quite easy! You can buy an ESSENTIAL COLLECTION KIT which comes with the TOP 10 oils for family health from as little as $174! Here are the Top 10 oils which also come in THE HOME ESSENTIALS KIT: ❤️                                                                                            Frankincense  DigestZen Lavender Peppermint Lemon OnGuard Tea Tree Oregano Easy Air Ice Blue When you join with us it includes friendly support, your own Wholesale Account (25% off for 12 months with no strings attached), online education for further learning and the opportunity to start your own business in our supportive team. You can watch this short doTERRA video - We Have An Oil For That. If you want to learn more about the MANY uses for the Top 10 Oils check out my blog here . If you're ready to start yo


If you are new to essential oils this blog will help you learn how to use each of doTERRA's top ten oils. Once you start using them and discover just how powerful they are, you will want them as an essential tool in your home . First up is  On Guard , doTERRA's Protective Blend. Use when you need relief from sniffles and seasonal threats.  Diffuse when you are worried about what is going around the school, daycare or any crowded area you or your kids are attending. Apply to your kids' feet before sending them to school/daycare when seasonal threats are high. Mix a couple of drops with 2 drops of Lemon essential oil and honey in a teaspoon to soothe a sore throat. Put a couple of drops in your air conditioning vents. It smells amazing. Swish a couple of drops with water around your mouth after dental work. Add 2 drops to a veggie capsule to give your immune system a boost. Gargle a drop in water to freshen breath and to soothe a sore throat. Add