What's in my Natural Medicine Cabinet?

This is what's in my medicine cabinet. They're all safe and they work.

-Lemon - I take 2 drops in my drinking water every day to gently detox my body. Works well with Lavender and peppermint for allergies.

-Peppermint - We rub on tired muscles, use to open airways, rub on back of neck to cool down, rub on the stomach to help digestion, helps control appetite.

-Lavender - Lavender is calming for your mind and your skin. It works wonders on any skin irritations, relieves pain from sore gums and chapped lips. It also helps calm me down. I diffuse it to help sleep.

-Oregano - Boosts our immune systems and fights off any bugs. I don't often use oregano as we very rarely catch bugs these days. But it is there if we need it.

-Frankincense - Calming, good for skin, cellular health and gives other oils a boost. I also use a drop on my thumb applied to the roof of my mouth for head tension.

-Tea Tree - Soothes skin irritations, good for nail health, removes permanent marker from your skin. Soothes sunburnt skin. Use for head lice.

OnGuard - Protective blend. Roll on kids' feet when you are concerned what is going around school, sports, day care etc. Gargle with water for a sore throat. Use as hand sanitiser. Diffuse.

- Breathe or Easy Air as it is called in Australia - I roll it on my chest to help open my airways, use in panic attacks to help get air, diffuse while sleeping to help with airways which can help with hubby's snoring.

-DigestZen - Rub on tummy for aches or if I have a big meal and feel bloated or uncomfortable. Sometimes I take it internally to help digestion by putting a drop or two in water and drink it. Rub over the bridge of the nose for sinus relief.

-Deep Blue/Ice Blue - Rub on muscles before and after workouts, good for cramps, aches and pains. Ease tension.

-Clary Calm - This is the Women's Monthly Blend. I use Clary Calm because it's soothing and calming. It helps with cramping and balances my mood. It makes me feel happy and calmer.

-Correct X - This is a petroleum-free, preservative-free ointment that absorbs quickly and keeps wounds clean as well as soothing them. I use it on dry lips and cracked heels.

Throw in a bottle of veggie caps to put oils in to take internally, a bottle of fractionated coconut oil to blend my oils with and a bottle of colloidal silver and that is my medicine cabinet. These are the products I use to keep my family healthy every day.

You can buy everything except the colloidal silver here. However, if you would like to sign up for a wholesale account (no obligations - order when and if you like) and get 25% discount, you can contact me (see below).

Related blogs that may interest you -
Have you ever thought about what's in your beauty products?
I have Meniere's Disease
Recipes and DIY info on my website
My allergies and how to have a chemical-free home

Free downloadable Food & Lifestyle Journal page

Thanks for reading
Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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