MY ALLERGIES AND HOW TO HAVE A CHEMICAL-FREE HOME - Free downloadable Food & Lifestyle Journal.

Before I had my kids I never really thought about allergies or toxins. As long as I stayed away from Bactrim antibiotics, due to my reaction to sulfa, I didn't have to worry about them. That was until I started working again after my boys were all in school. Over the course of a few years, I developed more and more allergies and intolerances to so many things. All of a sudden I couldn't touch my cats and dogs without breaking out in hives, sneezing and having itchy eyes. I also noticed when I was working in my garden that certain plants would make me sneeze and itch.

I became overloaded with toxic build up and my immune system suffered. I was struggling with so many different allergies. I had to keep a food journal because things that I had eaten all my life started making my stomach bloat and I felt nauseous after almost every meal. I came to realise that I could no longer eat gluten or dairy. I discovered that dairy was causing stomach upsets and contributed to the hayfever and sinus that I now suffered every single day. Gluten was the culprit causing the bloating, skin irritations and surprisingly made me anxious. 

Around the same time, I started getting severe jaw, neck and shoulder tension. By mid afternoon at work each day I was almost in tears and struggling to find a way to release the tension in my jaw. I felt like I had a strap pulled so tight around my jaw and no matter what I did I could not release the tension.

My food journal quickly turned into a 'Food & Lifestyle Journal' (click for free download) after I had an attack of asthma when my hubby tried on a new cologne. I had never had asthma in my life. I was also diagnosed with Meniere's Disease after several very scary vertigo attacks and other annoying symptoms. You can read my blog on Meniere's Disease here. What was happening to me?
I had no idea I was consuming and using so many chemicals on my body and around my home every single day. Having the journal woke me up to just how many chemicals I had been using and not even giving them a second thought. It truly is a wake-up call when it is all listed right there in front of you. I started wondering how we all fall into such bad habits of using hundreds of chemicals every day without even questioning or thinking about what they are doing to our bodies. I realised that I had to eliminate chemicals from my life.

I gradually got to where I no longer used any chemicals at all on my body or around my home. You can read my blog here to find where I get my hygiene and beauty products. I also have become good at reading food labels and mostly try to eat whole and unprocessed foods. I no longer use bleach or harmful chemicals to clean my home. I thought this would be a long and stressful process eliminating toxic cleaners, but since discovering doTERRA products for cleaning and beauty products, I found it was not a problem at all.

I remember saying to my hubby that I would take twelve months to completely go natural and eliminate all toxins in our home. To my surprise, it took no time at all to replace these nasty chemicals with beautiful safe products that work just as good. I love doTERRA products so much that I became a Wellness Advocate straight away. Best decision I ever made for our health. You can read about the products on my website Karen's Place of Essential Oils. I have a lot of recipes for cleaners and DIY info here. I also have a Facebook page by the same name. Please have a read as they truly are the most remarkable essential oil company in the world. I love the integrity of the company and the fact that every batch is third party tested several times to ensure purity. That is huge considering there are no regulations on essential oils and you only have to have a tiny amount of pure essential oil in each bottle to be able to label it 'pure'. doTERRA oils have no fillers, pesticides or contaminants and the company is completely transparent and would not settle for these almost non-existent regulations so they created ways of testing each batch calling it Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade CPTG. They also insisted on the third party testing for every single batch. They really are an amazing company. You can read more on why I love them so much here.

Another brand I love is EcoStore. For the products that doTERRA do not make, like dishwasher tablets, I use theirs. I also like their shampoo, conditioner, soap, washing powder, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid and use all of these when I don't have doTERRA. Here in Australia, they are available from Woolworths and Coles.

doTERRA's OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate is what I use to clean everything in my home. It does a great job and smells amazing.

Because I can't control my surroundings when I am out and about I still get hayfever now and again so I simply take a TriEase Softgel and it soon makes me feel a lot better.

The last thing I want to convert to toxin-free is our pool. I will be looking into this soon. Watch this space for a blog on that down the track.

Watch my video on my journey of becoming toxin-free.

Related blogs that may interest you -
Have you ever thought about what's in your beauty products?
I have Meniere's Disease
Recipes and DIY info on my website
Free downloadable Food & Lifestyle Journal page

Thanks for reading.
Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.

This page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease. If you have any health concerns, please discuss these with your trusted healthcare provider.


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