UPDATE: Extended to end of June 2018.

Have you been sitting on the fence when it comes to using essential oils? Have you heard how awesome they are for maintaining our health naturally, but are still a little hesitant to try them? Have you always thought that essential oils are only for hippies? If so, you are going to love this. I'm so excited to be offering this deal and can't believe I didn't think to do it sooner.

 I started my oil journey with a friend and it was so nice having someone close to me who was trying and exploring these beautiful oils right along with me. We loved sharing new things that we tried and discussing blends that were helpful for our family (and still do). I want everyone to experience essential oils and have a friend right there with them learning and loving just how effective they really are.

Are you ready to hear what I am offering? Here it is.......when you buy any enrolment kit I will give you a free Introductory Kit for a friend. The enrolment kits come with a free wholesale account, which means you get 25% discount on any future purchases. You order when and only if you want to. You are not locked into any agreements to place regular orders. There is also an amazing business opportunity if, and only if, you choose to do it.

Essential oils are my absolute passion and doTERRA essential oils have literally changed my life and the lives of my family members for the better. It brings tears to my eyes when I see and hear how they have impacted the lives of those who I have shared them with. Every time I speak to someone who has experienced life-changing benefits from these oils, I get a lump in my throat and feel so incredibly happy that I can't wipe the smile off my face for hours. It fills my heart with joy.

You can watch this short doTERRA video - We Have An Oil For That.

We have a beautiful supportive team and will be with you every step of your oil journey. You can message me at any time if you have questions. I am never far away and always ready to help. You can follow me on the links below where I share lots of interesting information, recipes, D.I.Y's and toxic-free living tips.

It's not that you will ever feel like you are on your own when you are with our team as we have a Facebook chat group, monthly emails and so much more, but it is just so special to be able to start a new journey with someone close to you. My goal is to spread the word about how much of an impact essential oils can have on our lives. I can't wait to hear your good news oil stories.

You can check out the enrolment kits available and the prices by clicking hereIf this interests you, or you have any questions, please send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for reading,
Karen xx


If you would like to join our friendly and supportive team you can email me or contact me on the following links.


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